At Brze, we care not just about motorists, but all other users of the road. Enter: Pedestrians, cyclists, PAB users, Foodpanda and Grab Delivery riders, and your mom. We love sharing information about all things road safety, and believe there’s no one better to glean from than folks just like yourself.
Nad is a man of many talents. This gentle soul describes himself as “silly, curious, and possibly annoying”, and loves spending time with his sister and cats. While Nad enjoys a good Netflix binge like many of us, he also loves going on long walks, cycling and skating, which makes sense considering he’s been a Grab Delivery Cyclist since October 2020:
Hi Nad! Tell us something about yourself that we don’t know.
I was a bartender for five years at a venue called Druggists, and shortly after I left, we went through our first Circuit Breaker. During that time, I was a warehouse packer for a few months. I love cooking with and for people I love. Recently, a close friend of mine and I decided to do weekly meal prep, and that’s been fun!
Wow! Is your love for food one of the reasons why you’re doing Grab Delivery?
Well, I like this job because it’s flexible, helps me to keep active and fit. It sometimes feels like I’m earning money while exercising, which is great. (Laughs) I also love meeting new people and meeting kind customers.
Conversely, what are some cons of working in this line?
Sometimes business can be very slow, and it’s not always easy to get steady or proper income. It can also get really tiring! If I fall sick, there’s no such thing as sick leave – I simply do not earn anything as I have no benefits.
Sometimes pathways can also feel really congested with more riders entering the food delivery industry. I bet pedestrians get really sick and tired of us too. Imagine hearing the ringing of bicycle bells everywhere! Haha!
Apart from ringing your bell, what are some road safety rules you abide by?
Apart from ringing my bell from a reasonable distance, I always pay extra attention to pedestrians who are using their phones and earpieces. Many times, Ive rung my bell to no avail – People are simply not tuned in to their surroundings. So I go really slow, especially when there are children and elderly folks around.
I also try my best not to cycle on the road, but I sometimes do that at night as there are few cars. When it’s dark, I always have my lights on so people know I’m nearby.
Prior to riding, I always make sure my tyres are pumped and not slippery, that my brakes are working, and that I have my helmet and hand sanitiser.
It’s wonderful that you check your bicycle before you start cycling. This is so important! Have you been in any mishaps despite the precautions that you’ve taken?
Yes, I’ve fallen down twice – Once because the ground was slippery, and the other time, I wasn’t paying close attention to the traffic light, and cycled on the road even when I didn’t have right of way – A car honked at me but thankfully, I managed to go unscathed.
Phew! Close shave. Does Grab give riders any road safety training?
Yes. Before you start as a Grab Delivery partner, you’ll have to go through online workshops, a 50-minute video, and the Grab Academy MCQ test. But I’m sure a lot of people just skim through.
That’s great. If Grab were to do an educational video for their Food Delivery customers, what do you wish they would include?
I hope customers can learn more about waiting time. Customers often think we don’t rush enough, but most of the time, we’re waiting for food to be ready. Also, if it’s raining, we try not to cycle fast. We want the food to be safe, and we want to be safe as well.
Also, certain types of items, such as heavy goods and soups, need our extra care. I’ve seen other delivery riders hauling huge packs of 1.5L bottles, and I honestly don’t know how some of them do it. Other drivers have had to make multiple deliveries for huge and heavy orders in their own time. I guess it would be great if customers were aware of that.
Grab Delivery is a fun job, but customer demand definitely adds some stress. In my experience though, customers have been very understanding and kind.
Tell us about some of your most memorable delivery experiences!
I once had a customer order MacDonald’s from Bukit Panjang Plaza, and he stayed just five minutes away. He ordered two meals, but actually just wanted a drink – So he told me via the app that I could have one of his meals. I got a free Filet-o-Fish!
Once, I was delivering food to a family, and one of their adorable children came out to pass me a drink and some biscuits. It was really sweet. Little acts of kindness like these make my day.
That’s so lovely. Have you had a negative experience before? If so, tell us.
It had nothing to do with my customer – This was my first Starbucks order: I had to deliver a Coffee and packet of mints, and half of the drink spilled in my bag. I felt really bad, so I ordered the customer a new drink. Someone else delivered it! Haha! I still gave her her initial order, and explained the situation to her. The customer was really understanding and gave me a $5 tip!
One other time, my bicycle chain broke midway, so I walked the rest of the journey.
Wow! You’re a very responsible Delivery Partner. Do you have any tips or advice for new Grab Delivery Riders?
Here goes: Hydrate, hydrate and hydrate! Bring an extra classic bag for soups and liquids, and bring tissues in case of spillage. Always ring your bell to warn pedestrians in advance, and if you’re riding at night, have your lights on. People can’t see you otherwise. But gosh, some lights are so bright that it hurts the eyes of other people. Don’t do that. (Laughs)
What’s one thing you wish Grab riders would do to make roads safer?
Ride slower! You see cyclists speeding on pathways all the time, because they’re rushing to send orders. Sometimes they’re unaware of their surroundings, and that’s a common reason bicycles collide with pedestrians.
What’s one thing you wish pedestrians on the streets would do to make public spaces safer?
To be more aware of their surroundings. I usually have no problems on park connectors, but there are times when I have no choice but to go on a shared path or pedestrian path for a little while, and when it comes to smaller paths, I feel bad and don’t feel welcome on both paths. I understand that it can be annoying having multiple cyclists on the shared path.
Thank you, Nad. What precious insight you’ve given us! Last question – What’s one of your mottos?
Oh dear. (Laughs) Take it a day at a time!
We hope you enjoyed reading about Nad. #GrabTheBrze is a road safety initiative that offers precious personal tips from everyday people that we adore. If you know of anyone else who’d be great on #GrabTheBrze let us know at We’d be ecstatic hearing from you!
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