At Brze, we care not just about motorists, but all other users of the road. Enter: Pedestrians, cyclists, PAB users, Foodpanda and Grab Delivery riders, and your mom. We love sharing information about all things road safety, and believe there’s no one better to glean from than folks just like yourself.
Alaric Kweh is a
Alaric kweh zheng da
1. One cool fact about you
I quite straight forward to people
2. Describe yourself in three words
Visionary, Loyal , Enthusiastic
3. Your jobs and projects
I’m a full time student in Ngee ann poly
I work part time as a shop mechanic/sales at yap bicycle
I travel with international teams as an race mechanic time to time
I started my Temple project SGP together with
4. Your life motto(s)
I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I cannot accept not trying. In life, it is not about how hard you go down but how strong you get back up.
5. How and when you got started cycling
Back in secondary school I don’t really focus in my study as a result I retained a year back in secondary 3, this made me started cycling to destress from school & life, as a result it spark the passion to continue cycling from there
6. Tell us more about your bicycle(s) (model, make, if you have a type)
I currently ridding a Cinelli pressure
7.Why do you love cycling so much?
Cycling brings me to many places what others couldn’t see
8. What do you think cycling has given you?
I usually tell people it’s not about what cycling can give us, It’s what we can give cycling. Cycling gave people fitness, The reason to work out and more important scenery and views that we rarely see
9. When did you join/start Yap racing, and why did you do it?
While touring as a bicycle race mechanic, I realised that many young singaporeans lack the opportunity to turn this passion into a professional endeavour. This spurred me to start a developmental team. I was fortunate to be mentored by chris from yap bicycle compania. With his mentorship coupled with my perseverance, I created a conducive environment for many passionate young people to grow their passion and move on to become professional student athletes and brand ambassadors as well
10. Can you also tell me more about your team and what you guys stand for?
I would say the passion and the love of the sport, My team & I like to enjoy cycling. Blindly training for races seeing numbers doesn’t justify anything at age 16-20 what we need is enjoyment & fun, This made me to create an environment to protect these student athlete as over the years there are youth athletes leaving the sport due to the system being an robot, SGP being a high stress country makes it even important for us to focus on allowing the youth to enjoy the sport.
11. What does being in the team look like? Tell us about training, your relationships, and the competitions or races you guys have been to.
Being in a team is like a family we try to be inclusive to everyone etc. We usually ride together as a whole & training very differently from the rest, as most of our schedules don’t match each other sometimes we ride on our own.
12. What do you love about racing?
The public, crowd, support & community coming together. To see races happening & team racing against one another it’s definitely a pleasant sight to watch
13. Have you or any one of your team members ever been in an accident on the road before? If so, tell us more about it.
Most of us has been in an accident before most of it was due to road conditions such as pot holes & sandy roads. However 1 or 2 was due to erratic drivers who didn’t notice us
14. On the other hand, tell us about one of your favourite experiences cycling (can be from a race, anything)
There’s no favorite for me so far, but I had multiple experiences that I like, Travelling to china as a race mechanic & assistant to meet new friends was one of it. Another trip would be travelling to china under the national team, Getting to know people like Chelsie tan & serene lee from the national team was a great experience
15. What are some things you’ve learned about road safety along the way?
Always give way to traffic, Ensure that the lane is clear before you proceed & lastly keep an look out for one another.
16. Tell us the top three mistakes rookies should avoid when cycling on the road.
Cyclist that lack confidence on the road ridding alone should be avoided always pair up with your friends
Do not cycle very close or in between the double yellow line as the rules stated cycle comfortably and as close to the yellow lines
Remember to bring your identification card, cash & spares as it’s important to you
17. Do you cycle on pedestrian/shared paths by the way? If you do, what are some safety rules you abide by?
Yes we do, I would say follow the speed limit. Always keep to the left unless you are over taking and lastly remember to check before you turn. Always slow down as speeding in this paths can cause massive damage to people.
18. What are some road safety precautions you and your team members take when cycling together?
We always ensure we have our helmets on, Checking traffic before filtering out of the lane & most importantly looking out for one another on the road.
19. Some drivers tend to be very judgemental and impatient towards motorists, while others don’t like having cyclists on the road. Have you ever been treated unfairly on the road by a driver before? If so, tell us about it.
We have our fair share of unfair treatment such as drivers driving pass us & telling us that we should not be on the road etc. But to me it is quite simple because end of the day it is to enjoy cycling and go home to our family safely. I do not like to argue much on the roads that’s why we try to keep our gopros on recording time to time such thing happens
20. What’s one thing you think Singapore could do to help make cycling safer and more viable?
Our Government supporting cycling more as a whole, with more local grassroot races on by closing small section of the roads or even polytechnics to allow the public to see how racing in SGP & community engagement programs. This allows us to search our new generation athletes and inspire more youth to start cycling
21. What’s one thing you wish non-cyclists knew about cycling?
End of the day we cycle on the road not because we have nothing better to do but because we enjoy cycling as a whole on road bikes & I totally welcome people to join us to start ridding. As what every non cyclist would say, a car or other motorized vehicle can go faster, I would say we cyclist have no intention in racing against car or any motorized vehicle as all we want to do is ride bicycles and enjoy. It is not easy to change what other view you as but I would say everyone can co-exist together
22. Any shoutouts you’d like to make. Any at all
I would say shoutouts are a must. The Team would like to thank the sponsors, Yap bicycle compania, Bike aid SG, SG cycling shoes, Nutritional asia group, Temple project CC, Temple project SGP & rudy project SG.
Without brands that are here to support local youth development it would be tough for us to achieve what we want to show to people. It takes a village to support a champion.
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