To err is human, and to learn from our mistakes is divine, so, here’s a little refresher on how to keep safe on the road: Here’s 12 ways to avoid getting into a car accident in Singapore.
1. Develop a responsible attitude when driving

2. Always, always always wear your safety belt

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3. Do not drive inebriated

In the same way, make sure you’ve got enough shuteye before you plonk yourself behind the wheel. Research has shown that drivers who have had no more than four hours of sleep before driving are three times more likely to get in a car accident.
4. Do not drive distracted

5. New to the road?

Keep it slow and safe. It is best to avoid fast-moving, congested traffic till you’re a more experienced driver. If you’re new to the road, do yourself a favour by gradually introducing yourself to more difficult driving situations, and always drive at a safe speed no matter where you are. Needless to say, speeding heavily increases your chances of getting into a car accident.
Limit your night-time driving. Likewise, try your best to avoid driving at night till you’re comfortable with day-time driving – Despite there being significantly less traffic on the road at night, more than 40 percent of all fatal car accidents occur when it’s dark. Drunk and sleep-deprived driving is also more likely to happen at night.
Train for poor weather conditions. Even if you’re pretty confident driving on a sunny day, do your best to avoid wet weather if you’ll be driving unsupervised. Even the most seasoned drivers are at a higher risk of getting into a car accident in Singapore when our occasional thunderstorms hit, so don’t be too complacent, and only drive in poor weather if it is an absolute must.
6. Practice good road etiquette

Don’t tailgate other motorists. We get it – You’re in a traffic jam, and every little ounce of movement makes you feel like you’re actually getting somewhere. But get too close to the vehicle in front, and you’re putting yourself at risk. Always make sure there is sufficient distance between you and the car in front. If you’re tailgating someone out of anger, read on:
Remain cool in the presence of idiots. If a driver flips you off, honks inappropriately, or is hogging lanes, the worst thing you could do is to pour on extra trouble by retaliating aggressively. Take a chill pill, bro – Let dumb behavior roll off your shoulders, and if you find yourself being harassed, call the police instead of taking matters into your own hands.
7. Watch for red light runners

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8. Watch out for blind spots

9. Watch for kids and eldery pedestrians

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10. Maintain your car regularly

How often you’ll need to send your car for servicing largely depends on your car’s make and model, but as a rule of thumb, service your vehicle once every 6 months or 10,000 km, whichever comes first. You should also change your tyres every 3 months even if they still look good.
11. Scan 10-12 seconds ahead

Read More – 13 Interesting Roads in SG and Their Backstories
12. Check your rear when backing out

That was a pretty comprehensive list, if we might say so ourselves. We’ve given you 12 ways to avoid getting into a car accident in Singapore, and hope that at least a few of these tips help spur you on about becoming a safer and more defensive driver. Got your own tips? Share them with us!
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