Our Team – Get To Know Our Specialists

Thanaraj Ramakrishnan, specializes in the field of Accident Investigation and Reconstruction since 2007. Raj has undertaken accident reconstruction projects in Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia, and Australia. He has submitted reports to the Civil and Criminal Courts in...

Ideas for Safer Roads in Singapore

Ideas for Safer Roads in Singapore

Image credit : UnsplashWhen I was eight, I remember missing my school bus one fateful afternoon and having to take Bus 60 back home. As a sheltered primary school student, I was terrified about having to make the journey alone, and my mother’s copious warnings echoed...

13 Road Safety Tips for E-Scooter, PMD and PAB Riders in SG

13 Road Safety Tips for E-Scooter, PMD and PAB Riders in SG

Credit Image: Lucian Alexe | Unsplash In 1906, the first motorcar in Singapore was registered - It was a small 10 horsepower, single-cylinder two seater owned by a Mrs Dare (apt name, we think). Fast forward a century to our modern day Lion City, and our motorways are...

How to Change Your Flat Tyre Safely on the Road

How to Change Your Flat Tyre Safely on the Road

Image Credit: ImThaz Ahamed | Unsplash Changing a flat tyre is a life skill that everyone (male, female, motorist or not) should possess. It’s not a confusticatingly tedious process, and as long as you’re willing and equipped, the whole operation should take no longer...

9 Safety Tips For Driving At Night in Singapore

9 Safety Tips For Driving At Night in Singapore

Image Credit: (Lily Banse) | UnsplashIn Singapore, we’re lucky enough to have well-maintained, well-paved, and well-lit roads that make for an incredibly smooth experience. However, driving in the dark has its special risks, and even veteran drivers need to take...

8 Tips for Driving in Singapore Whilst Pregnant

8 Tips for Driving in Singapore Whilst Pregnant

Image Credit: Shutterstock Getting pregnant doesn’t mean that you have to stop living your life. Many modern women continue being girl bosses even with a little bun in the oven and continue to get behind the wheel to keep up with yoga classes, gal pals, running...