Image Credit : Unsplash Every profession has its own terminology. If you belong to that profession, it will be quite easy for you to understand. But if you are novice to that field then you cannot comprehend anything. One need not bother, if one cannot make out an...
Image Credit : Unsplash The biggest assets one can have in Singapore are a house and a car. Owning a car is very expensive and one needs to decide wisely before buying or selling a car. It plays a major role in the financial status of a person. For some, It is a...
Image credit : Unsplash Are you eligible? You can’t always get what you want But if you try sometimes, you get what you need. Before renting a car, you’ll need to ask yourself these three questions: How often, and when do you need your car? Car rental rates...
Image credit : Unsplash Is it too late in the night and dark outside? Are you driving home to spend some time with your little ones before they go to bed? Are you too tired after a hectic day in the office and unable to stay alert while driving? Is something bothering...
Image Credit: | Unsplash For identification purposes, every motorist in Singapore needs to have a Vehicle Registration Number (VRN) displayed on their vehicle’s front and backplates. While some can’t care less what number plates they’re assigned, others prefer having...
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