Image credit : Unsplash Are you eligible? You can’t always get what you want But if you try sometimes, you get what you need. Before renting a car, you’ll need to ask yourself these three questions: How often, and when do you need your car? Car rental rates...
Image Credit: | Unsplash Every car owner at the end of the COE period will be in a dilemma, whether to renew the COE or buy a used or new car? Is it worthwhile to renew the COE? Should I buy a used car? Which one saves me more money? Will I end up spending more...
Image Credit : Unsplash Funnily enough, these warning signs for when your car needs servicing immediately remind us of a spooky haunting. C’mon: Flashing lights, strange noises, and abnormal shaking? But, Sending your car for maintenance is no fun – You’ll be...
Credit Image: Joshua Ang | Unsplash F1 cars are pure magic. These magnificent beasts of technology can turn, squeeze and exhibit grip levels that you won’t see anywhere else but on an F1 race track. And apart from the sheer ingenuity that goes into making these...
Image Credit: motomotosc | Unsplash When you are calling a towing service, there are certain expectations that you have from the company. However, choosing the right car towing service or bike towing service can be a daunting task, especially if you are unaware of the...
Credit Image: Ante hamersmit | Unsplash Believe it or not but damaged or salvaged car buying isn’t new in Singapore. Several car owners sell their car when it is no longer in the driving state. Many in fact, don’t know the value of a damaged car. Damaged cars or...
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